Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Saving Money on Conferences

Conferences can become very expensive. Let’s face it, the economy is suffering and not everyone has the money these days to attend. Budgets are being scaled back and often conferences and events are the first thing to get the boot. Many companies choose not to have Holiday parties anymore because its just not very economical anymore.

However, conferences are extremely important for networking. Networking events can be economical in the since and can be very fun. What should you do if your company and or you  just do not have the budget to attend conferences? Here are a few tips to help you save money and still attend:

1. Research places and discounts where you can find deals

Typically conference organizers offer discount codes so you can gain access at a more affordable rate. It benefits both parties: you gain entrance into the conference and the conference organizers gain a super fan. It’s a win win. 

2. If you have a blog show your blogger or press credentials 

If you have a blog or press credentials, this is a great way to attend a conference and save money. The organizers, attendees, and vendors are all looking for exposure most definitely. This is something that you can give and that is  a publicity to them. Don’t sell yourself or your blog short: your small to medium dedicated, niche readership can be just as valuable as a larger blog’s audience.

3. Speak at the conference

Similar to blogs, conferences are hungry for content. So offer your services to speak at the conference. Who knows, you might even get paid. This will also be beneficial for attending and speaking at future conferences.

4. Attend local conferences or just the big ones

You might have noticed, but the economy isn’t doing so hot right now, so why not stay local and attend a conference nearby? I’ve found that the hardest part of organizing meetings at a conference is simply finding the right place to meet; if the venue is local, it takes all the guess work out of your planning.

5. Volunteer to work at the conference for free

Treat it like a job application or that volunteering you did back in high school or for the community. You may have to move a few tables, serve a few people, vacuum some floors, or even pick up some trash, but it will definitely be worth it in the end. As a volunteer you’ll have the same opportunities to network as everyone else.

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