In america during holiday season families waste approximately 25% or more of all food prepared.
Norman Rockwell's painting "freedom from want" looks picture perfect to the type of ideal thanksgiving dinner most of us know. Those faces of anticipation around the Thanksgiving table have probably permeated all of our ideas of the holiday. Norman Rockwell's idea of Thanksgiving involves turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and green beans, however it does not mean that you have to be obligated to any of these dishes especially if these dishes have gone uneaten previously. Consider scaling back to save money, time, effort, and waste. Here are some helpful tips to help you save money.Tip 1
Consider using smaller plates. Many people tend to take more food and become wasteful when using larger plates. By using smaller plates people are more likely to finish all of there food.
Tip 2
Buy seasonal and off brand items. Food cost have risen drastically over the years so consider going to the nearest farmers market to stock up on seasonal products for your feast. Purchase off brand products which taste just as good if not better than your name brand products. Guys its only the nae your paying more for.
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